• sales profit international    相關企業商業資訊
    1. sales & profit International

      彼立恩國際行銷顧問團隊多年來致力於協助外商及本土企業在台灣經營品牌與通路通路管理, 感受到台灣本土食品產業擁有良好的研發能力,卻因為行銷能力與國際資源的不足,常常在台灣市場內銷價競爭,導致好的產品甚至因此消...

      電話:02-87735001    地址:台北市大安區敦化南路一段205號1511室
    2. Skyline7 International Company

      ...brand management company, and the rest just think we’re just another for-profit retailer. Yes, we have our own apparel brands (see 7age, Bilancia, Neoclassics), yes we have our own production team, and yes we are here to make a profit – but we aren’t just that. We like to view ourselves as ...

      電話:02-28087135    地址:新北市淡水區中正東路二段29-3號24樓
    3. 禮麗國際有限公司

      ...ng companies, Lee Li provides a warm and pleasant office setting and seeks profit growth in a continuous but stable fashion to ensure our employees’ best interests. Externally, our clients treat us as partners rather than subordinates. Internally, we expect our staff to be self-directed, responsib...

      電話:02-25986010    地址:台北市中山區中山北路三段27號7樓之7
    4. 永霖國際物流有限公司

      T.I.L. GROUP CO.,LTD. ( TIL )member of China International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFA), is a Class A Forwarding company licensed by People’s Republic of China and holding a NVOCC (Non -Vessel Operating Common Carrier) license from the Ministry of Transportation of China.Incorporated in 2...

      電話:07-2696100    地址:高雄市苓雅區成功一路232號8F-6
      1. 名陽科技股份有限公司

        ...planting technology. That’s why we can help our clients to gain the most profit with our products.

        電話:07-8157707    地址:高雄市前鎮區新生路248-5號C棟七樓(臨廣加工區)
      • 隨機企業
